Thursday 23 June 2016



The conferment of titles to any person in a particular community in Africa, is one way of appreciating an achiever according to African Culture and in this part of the world, title taking is taken seriously by all parties concerned according to the culture of the place handing out the title. African culture is highly cherished in relation to this especially by traditionalists and lovers of tradition, African norms and values.

This practice was held recently when CHIEF ANTHONY CHUKWUEDO UDEZUE was conferred with the title of "Echidime" by his people in Ogbolu, Oshimilli South, Delta State.

The Chieftaincy title celebration of Chief Anthony Chukwuedo Udezue was held amidst jubilation and hearty cheers by his people, family, friends and well wishers.

Speaking exclusively to KARIFEST INTERNATIONAL, Chief Chukwuedo explained why his people decided to honour him with the title "Echidime" as well as the benefit of the title to his family.

KARIFEST:  Alright sir, it's good to finally have you!

C.A.C.U:  Thank you very much.

KARIFEST:  Sir please let's meet you!

C.A.C.U: My name is Chief Anthony Chukwuedo Udezue, that's my name.

KARIFEST:  How do you feel haven taken this title

C.A.C.U: I feel very great, it's a thing of joy, it's a thing that I've supposed to have done before now, I'm very happy, I'm glad.

KARIFEST:  What title did you take today

C.A.C.U:  This is ikpáálor title, Ogbueshi! After this we have one other title remaining, by God's grace, I will get there, my father got there, my grandfather got there, my great grandfather got there even up to the fourth generation, so after ikpáálor, I will get to Ichieze, thank you very much.

KARIFEST:  What name did you pick

C.A.C.U:  I am not supposed to leak it to you, but I will give it to you. (Speaking vernacular) Àfàm bú Ogbueshi Echidime, that's what my father also called himself.

KARIFEST:  Alright sir, what is the meaning of the title

C.A.C.U:  A lot. Literally it means tomorrow is pregnant and traditionally, it has its own connotative interpretation depending on who's interpreting it but summarily it has affiliations with future happenings positively.

KARIFEST:  Which guests were here present today

C.A.C.U:  A lot. The people I never expected, I only sent text from my phone, you can be a witness, you see the music people from Asaba were here. I just sent out text, I didn't expect people to turn out, but I'm glad and happy to see people are here to witness this occasion.

KARIFEST:  Chieftaincy titles are conferred on people mostly based on what they have achieved or done in the community, what exactly have you done to necessitate this title

C.A.C.U:  One, it's a privilege, two, on youth angle, I have contributed my quota, I was one of the youth leaders of this community, I was the taskforce youth chairman general of Ugbolu, I have contributed to the development of the youths and the community in general.
Also, even when I was with the youths, I've been working hand in hand with the elders, even the elders can testify to what I am saying.

KARIFEST:  Now you are a Chief, should we expect a different lifestyle from you

C.A.C.U:  Of course, I have graduated from being youth, to elder. You don't expect me to eat and dine with the youths like before, maybe if necessary, but now I have graduated.

KARIFEST:  People have different opinion as regards chieftaincy title, especially the Christians, some of them think it shouldn't be done by a Christian. What is your opinion

C.A.C.U:  People get this thing very wrong, you take a chieftaincy title does not mean that you don't know God. Even God Himself through Jesus acknowledged tradition. For example, when Jesus died, his kinsmen came to request for his body, it's a tradition. So people misunderstand this tradition to whatever you are saying. So people are getting it wrong. Even if what I am doing is not right, running away from me will not change me. But what I am doing does not stop me from worshipping my God. I know my God and I believe in my God. He's the owner of my life, he's the author of my life, he's in charge of everything, so I don't know what people are talking about.
What I am doing will show people that I belong to somewhere, that is I come from somewhere.

KARIFEST:  What do you think is the benefit of the title to your immediate family

C.A.C.U:  A lot. My immediate family will benefit a lot. By God's grace I am now a voice for them to the community. I am a representative, I will represent my community contributing my own quota. I want to represent my people in Ugbolu.

KARIFEST:  What message do you have for those that came for your celebration today

C.A.C.U:  Like I said before, I didn't expect this. I thought maybe 50 people will come because I just sent text, as you witnessed, they turned out. I am very grateful. I am only asking God to bless them. I pray that when they call people will answer them.

KARIFEST:  How supportive have your family been since you embarked on this journey

C.A.C.U:  You can see it, great, I never expected it. My younger ones for instance, they gave me one cow worth N120 thousand, if they are not in support will they give me something like that? My Idumuohene family, they gave me an envelope, a very heavy one. You can see my elders there and how the whole thing went through, so the support was there 100%.

KARIFEST:  I hope the challenges were not much

C.A.C.U:  Even if there were challenges, it's okay, it was worth it, whatever happened here is a thing of joy.

KARIFEST:  Thank you very much Sir for your time.

C.A.C.U:  Thank you. And I look forward that I will invite you for the other one. I told you that after ikpáálor, it remains one other, and that time I will invite you. Thank you, I love you.

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