Friday 17 June 2016

INSPIRATION: You Get One Life. Be Faithful To It.


We get one life. Let's be faithful how we live it.

Wherever you are in years regarding your own walk through life, I challenge you to leave as few dreams, plans and conversations on the table as possible. Whatever pictures you see in your own future scrapbook...bring them to life. Make them real. Be faithful to the dreams you have. Be faithful to really living the life you love.

We each are given two dates in life. The first date we already know. Our birth date. The second date...well...that's for history to still determine. Regarding the first and second dates, we don't have much say. But we do have a voice regarding everything that is written in between those two dates.  

Is there an unfinished item on your "I Wish!" list that you feel you're too old to accomplish? The next time you think you're too old to still make a dent in progressing toward your "once-upon-a-dream," I want you to remember a few people who seemed to forget the whole "you're too old" concept.

Want to write a book? Captain James Henry, age 98, just published his first book, In A Fisherman's Language. Even more, this retired fisherman didn't learn to read until he was 91. It's also important to note that Captain Henry was inspired by George Dawson, a son of slaves, who learned to read at age 98 and published his book, Life is So Good, at age 101.

Does TV appeal to you? Julia Child didn't learn to cook until she was almost 40. Her popular TV cooking show was launched at age 50. Laura Ingalls Wilder of Little House on the Prairie fame wrote about her family not as a young girl...but when she was in her 60's.

Ever think about running for political office to help create the changes you really want? Former U.S. president Ronald Reagan ran in his first political campaign at age 55.

Have a great business idea? Ray Kroc bought out the McDonald's brothers small hamburger chain at age 59. He thought the idea to grow bigger had real potential. Harlan Sanders, the Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, was 66 when he began to promote his chicken recipe...and empire.

Perhaps earlier in your life, you couldn't make your dreams a priority.  Maybe now you can.

Perhaps earlier in life, you didn't think you were good enough.  Maybe now you are.

It's never too late to be faithful to ourselves...and what's in our hearts.

Life is short.

Live yours fully.

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